Friday, January 28, 2011

To Dance

I really want to dance right now. Be it to The Chariot or Crystal Castles.
I don't even know if it's dancing I desire. I think it's just physical exertion of some sort.
Non-competitive mind you.

I've had 3 staggeringly good conversations over the last 3 days with 3 very different people on 3 very different topics, and I feel fresh. or refreshed. rejuvenated?

The first happened on Wednesday and was more of a collection of 'get-to-know-you' conversations that ranged from friends to free will verses divine pre-ordination. So honest and enjoyable.
I blame this person for my current uber-stoked outlook on life.

The next was last night/this morning, and it was mostly a dissection of a few select people and the way they interact with the world. So solid it was like being clobbered with a brick wall in the most positive way possible.

The 3rd was just an exchange of idea's with someone with whom I disagreed about on quite a few issues, but it was so civil that it had a quiet air of beauty to it.

Now then, I feel as tho if I don't have another epic conversation tomorrow I'll go into withdrawal.

Here's a photo that I like.
Has nothing to do with anything.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stagnation and a Breakthrough

I often get into these little ruts- I see things the same way, I get listless and fidgety; If my hands were life it's like I'd be biting my nails.My sister asked me to paint her a picture for her room, and I've spent roughly the last 5 hours slaving over something that I am totally not content with. But I'm still happy. The creative act, the spirit of the thing; It puts me in a headspace unlike any other.
I think part of it is that every time I put time into a piece, I can see impro
vements. Eyes become a bit more sparkling, cheeks a bit more real, lips more ready for a kiss. I'm a long way from still-life, but I'm also so far away from where I was a year ago.
I'm calling him Henry for now.
I changed him a lot after this photo, but posts always look better with photos attached.

To quote mewithoutYou:
"I'm not the boy I once was, but I'm not the man I'll be"
And that really just sums up how I feel right now. I'm in that halfway stage, hopefully tipping further into man territory than back into boyhood, but only time will turn and tell.

Also, I can put my hair in a ponytail. Hollllaaa. Bits still fall out here and there, but I think by mid-March it should be good enough to wear in public.