Friday, September 24, 2010

Success And The 4 Hour Sleep Experiment

As of this week, I've been trying to survive on 4 hours of sleep a night, and it's been going rather well. I stay up until around 4, then get up with my alarm at 8:08 and start my day.
It's surprisingly easy. Conversationally I've found myself to be a bit more tongue tied, but I also feel a lot more patient. There's this layer of manic energy right beneath my surface, and I like it.
I don't expect to be able to keep this up for much longer, especially with the youth retreat this weekend.
But for now, being awake 20 hours a day is just thoroughly enjoyable.

This morning when my alarm went off at 8:08 (ya'll get hit with the boom! boom!) I got up and went for a jog. On my jog, I passed an abandoned house that I had tried to climb a year ago. Back then, I had been too
chunky and unplanned to scale a building without an obvious line up (T.V. antennae, yellow pipe. etc...), so of course I never made it up. Out of curiosity, I just sort of climbed up a pillar to see if I could proceed any further, and within a minute I was standing on shingles admiring the view.

It was surreal.
Over the last few months, and especially weeks, and even more so days, I have had this feeling like I've been growing more and more as a person (as a person meaning the whole caboodle: mentally, spiritually, relationally, et al). Sitting on that roof, I was just amazed at the obvious symbolism between having tried this a year ago and failed, and trying it now and succeeding with such ease.
God is good.
And, if this morning is any indicator of the weekend to come, it will also be good.

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