Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Charmed Life (Or, How I Will Eat Mostly Waffles In The Days To Come)

I have a bizarre life. I realize I over use that word, but it's true.
Sunday I was just doing a routine check of my email, and got a lovely little message informing me that Haste The Day (http://www.myspace.com/hastetheday) would be staying at my house Monday night after their show with Enter Shikari.
Needless to say, I was incredibly excited. So, I did a quick clean of my house and figured out where everyone would go, went out and bought 48 waffles and the accessories in anticipation of their arrival.
Monday morning I went to school with the expectation that I would be chaperoning a grade 9 art trip to the zoo. Turns out the art trip is Thursday of next week. So, my plans were thrown asunder from 9:20 onwards.
The day progressed as any other day (except instead of spending my spares working on my art project (which I will post photos of as soon as it's done), I watched a movie in an empty classroom), until post-school where I went on a quick jaunt to a book store with a very dear and very absent friend.

Moving along.
Haste The Day didn't end up coming to my house, but my friend still got in for free and my entire group got free merch.
But the strangeness of the whole day had me pondering. How sure are we of our plans? To what degree do we really have control of our lives? Paradoxically, it's infinite and extremely limited. We can control our own choices and how we choose to act, but we have no control over others and they contribute so greatly to who we are and how our lives progress.
Not sure what this whole ordeal taught me (aside from the fact that both Haste The Day and Enter Shikari are amazingly entertaining live, each for their own reasons)(and that hardcore crowds don't know how to dance to dubstep) but it certainly has me thinking.
And eating.
I've consumed 12 waffles so far today.
36 to go.

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