Sunday, December 12, 2010

Broken Noses, The Devil Wears Prada and the Surrealism of the ER Room at 4:30 in the Morning

So, last night I had the privilege of seeing one of my favorite bands, The Devil Wears Prada, for free.


Not 'sorta-for-free', just 'sorta-see.' I got punched (or something similar to punched) in the face 3 songs into TDWP's set, and it was way too confusing for me to try and process the lights and sounds of the bands intensity, so I just went and hung out with their merch dude. He's pretty awesome. Has a random tattoo of a tooth.

I'm not annoyed about last night, I'm actually really glad I got in for free, because paying 30 bucks for a shiner and a crook would not be worth it at all.

Anyways, we didn't stay for the headliner, mostly because they weren't as good as either of the opening bands (the other was For Today. So. Good.) but also because they weren't playing any songs we knew.

So, home we went. Well, home everyone else in my group went. I went home briefly to grab my healthcard (I was so out of it I grabbed my SIN instead) then off to the hospital for me for three and a half hours. It was all to find out that I didn't have a ruptured sinus, which is a good thing to know, but I really would have rather been sleeping.

So yeah, I think the whack messed up my head a bit because I definitely feel like I had an insight into this situation, but my mind currently won't connect the dots between what happened and whatever else is relate-able.

Ah well.

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