Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Paint Varnish

So, I started a new blog. I can't at present recall the URL, something like posimovi or posimovie. I'll post a link when there's something of substance up.

In the meantime, today I (re)watched Persepolis today with a (new-ish) friend, and it's possibly one of my favorite cartoons of all time. It's a grown up cartoon, but not in that it's choked with all manner of violently sexual language, linguistically violent sex or sexually linguistic violence (or any combination thereof), but rather it's an adult movie in that it deals with more mature subject matter.

Also, I love it's take on god.
Yes, it presents him as the old man in the sky, but he says a lot of things that I found quite moving.
At one point, when the young protagonist is upset, she is talking to god and explaining why she was trying to beat up another kid (it was for war crimes his father had committed). god's response is (along the lines of) 'it is not your job to judge him, only to forgive."

This made me think of the way people treat smokers. They're an abused and marginalized segment of society, and the more I think about it, the less I like it.
Yes, I understand that it is their decision to smoke and that it will poison their bodies and blah blah blah. But really, does making a reference to cancer everytime you pass a smoker really do anything to help? All it does is force them into a dehumanizing box that robs them of their God-given identity as human beings and puts a stereotypical mask on them.
From now on, I shall show more respect to smokers.
Not to smoking, to the people who smoke.

Also, my room reeks of paint varnish so I have the worst headache so far this week.

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