Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3 in 1!!!

So, three reviews in one blog post, what a privilege for you, dear reader!

First up: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1. In a word: terrible. In two words: terribly boring. In several more words: terribly boring without any actual depth, character development, interesting dialog, creative lighting or unexpected anything. It is, at best, a shoddy collection of poorly filmed and barely connected scenes that amount to a waste of two and a half hours.
Don't waste your time or money.

Secondly: Skyline. Infinitely better than Harry Potter, and also better than expected. It has an almost identical plot to Cloverfield; people are at a party in an apartment in a big city, when something falls from the sky and strange things start to happen. While Cloverfield was game-changing and inventive, what with it's gritty, low-budget-yet-quality effects and hand held camera style, Skyline is just a bit more than a fun romp. There's layering to the movie, believable dialog, awesome special effects and shots, a mostly unknown cast and a fresh take on aliens.
While there were certainly facets of the film that weren't explored that a geek like me would love to know (mostly backstory stuff), it gave enough context clues to allow one to invent their own answers.
I would recommended hurrying to see it ASAP. Maybe wait for it to be in blockbuster, or download it illegally. If you enjoy sci-fi, this is a goody.

(And) Thirdly: A Day To Remember's new album What Seperates Me From You.

Actually, I'll review that later and (hopefully) post it along with my review of Disambiguation.

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